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News about global warming and renewable energies

News about global warming and renewable energies

BBC Future : renewable energies

Nov 2018 :

Oct 2018 :

Sept 2018 :

June 2018Changement climatique : le massif du Mont-Blanc s’écroule

Plaquette Energies marines en bretagne

Global Warming Glossary


Copenhagen Climate Summit in 2009 : The Island President

The Island President captures Nasheed’s first year of office, culminating in his trip to the Copenhagen Climate Summit in 2009, where the film provides a rare glimpse of the political horse-trading that goes on at such a top-level global assembly. Nasheed is unusually candid about revealing his strategies—leveraging the Maldives’ underdog position as a tiny country, harnessing the power of media, and overcoming deadlocks through an appeal to unity with other developing nations. When hope fades for a written accord to be signed, Nasheed makes a stirring speech which salvages an agreement. Despite the modest size of his country, Mohamed Nasheed has become one of the leading international voices for urgent action on climate change.

Watch it !

Version sous titrée en français



Brusque accélération française sur les énergies renouvelables – Sciencesetavenir.fr

Le baromètre des énergies renouvelables électriques en France

Avec Linky, ERDF lance le compteur électrique intelligent

Transition énergétique : les Etats-Unis misent sur les réseaux intelligents

ROYAUME-UNI. Feu vert à un énorme projet éolien en mer du Nord

Morocco poised to become a solar superpower with launch of desert mega-project

L’acide lévulinique va-t-il remplacer le pétrole ?

Actualité > COP 21 : quand une station d’épuration chauffe un quartier

This small-scale hybrid energy device harvests both sun and wind

Smarter renewable power : six innovations